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We invite you to visit and "Like" the Milton R.A.I.L. Facebook Page

Welcome and thank you for visiting our web page. We invite you to also visit and “Like” the Milton RAIL Facebook page. Please also share and invite people on your “Friends” list to like our page too! Learn more about CN's proposed intermodal facility. The site includes information from our involvement beginning in 2001 and of course the events that are occurring now, in 2015.

This is not a done deal and we as a community need to become informed, stand up to CN and show them we care about our community and its future. We feel CN's proposed intermodal would have long lasting negative impacts to our communities’ health and safety as well as long lasting and potentially irreversible negative impacts to our environment. There are people that are still unaware of CN’s proposal and some individuals who feel they can’t make a difference. Please do know this: YOU CAN AND WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

CN’s proposal goes against the Official Plan of both Halton Region and Milton. The voice of the communities in all of Halton needs to be heard and we must let our elected officials know that we don't want CN’s proposed terminal. The Town of Milton and Halton Region are doing their part...LET’S CONTINUE TO DO OUR PART!

We are concerned with the impacts 2000+ trucks, each and every day will have on our local roads and our health and our environment. CN proudly stated at the Chamber Breakfast that the Logistics Hub or Intermodal Terminal would bring 5-7 million square feet of warehouse space to Milton. Which of course will only bring MORE trucks! Seriously, how much can our infrastructure support? Can you imagine 2000-3000+ trucks per day tearing up our local roads? IT’S UNIMAGINABLE!

Intermodal terminals belong on industrial land already designated to support this type of industry and with immediate access to a major highway NOT at the proposed site in Milton. The major highways being 401 & QEW are each 11.5 km from the proposed location and HWY 407 is 7.5 km from the proposed entrance. IT’S JUST TOO FAR!!

R.A.I.L. is being realistic with our many concerns for Milton and Halton Region. The concerns we are addressing are already being realized in very many communities across North America and around the World. Communities have shown, impacts of intermodal are vast and serious when placed near residential areas; so we ask: why is it CN would consider building a site in the proposed area, when evidence of significant impacts are being demonstrated elsewhere? Intermodal terminals DO NOT belong near residential developments where there are so very many legitimate concerns and threatening impacts to the community.

Please wake up CN—be responsible, reconsider and change your plans. We are not against intermodal—BUT we are against your proposed location. Be the good corporate neighbour that you want us to believe you can be! Show us you really do care, and find another location! We are not doing this just for today or tomorrow, we are doing this for our children’s futures! The good effort we make today will go a long way for those who will come after us.

To our beautiful community and wonderful neighbours, our families and friends—we invite you to become informed, get involved, and share the information. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! #MiltonRAIL

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