How to Help!
You decide what you can do to support the community in opposition to the proposed CN Logistics Hub project. Remember each contribution and action helps. It is not a done deal. This is going to a long process and we need to patient and remain focused on the issue. Thank you to our wonderful community for everything being done to support this cause.
Please sign the E-petition registered with the House of Commons if you have not signed the hard copy. Then please share the petition. You can use the link to the petition or the link to this page -->!get-involved/cqyx
Sign RAIL Postcards heading to Parliament. If you wish to distribute postcards please do contact us.
If you require larger quantities of printed material please know we have made arrangements with a local printer to have our files at their office. You may go in order and pay for the copies you require. This saves time and reduces the amount of work for everyone.
Register for e-mail updates:
CN's EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) has been submitted to CEAA (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency) please visit CEAA to view the report. CEAA - Milton Logistics Hub Project. CEAA Notice to Interested Parties. CEAA Links to all EIS documents.
There are a substantial amount of documents. Over 1GB of information. We encourage people to read the Environmental Impact Statement Summary and or the Environmental Impact Statement as well. You will find that the Appendix files are labeled well and will be useful.
RAIL flyers, banners and signs.
Please feel free to email any of these files to your family and friends. You may also consider downloading and printing some files for distribution to your co-workers, family, friends and loved ones.
Write Letters!
RAIL has posted sample letters on this site.
Write to other Government representatives and elected officials.
Invitation to Milton and Halton Business Owners
RAIL invites you to participate in the following efforts:
Place a sign in your window to show opposition to the proposed intermodal. The links are on the images below.
Provide postcards for your clients to sign and mail to parliament. No postage required. As a business owner, you can also drop the cards in the mail on your clients' behalf. Contact us at and we will personally deliver you postcards.
Please also ask people to sign the E-Petition:!petition/eyv8l
Thank you for your support in Opposition to the Proposed CN Logistics Hub Project.
Remember it is NOT a done deal and we need to let our voices be heard.
Download & Print a Sign for Your Home Window
Click Image below for PDF link.
Order and Display a Banner
Some People have expressed interest in ordering Banners. Sizes can also be customized.
The samples below are currently available in two sizes: 12' x 2' Banners at the cost of $100 and 3' x 2' Banners at the cost of $25
If you would like to order a banner please email

12' x 2' Banner
Option A

12' x 2' Banner
Option B

12' x 2' Banner
Option C

3' x 2' Banner
Option A

3' x 2' Banner
Option B

3' x 2' Banner
Option C

3' x 2' Banner
Option D

3' x 2' Banner
Option E