Our Children and Grandchildren must have a say, after all it's their future!
Hon. Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, This is my family, please keep us safe. Please Say NO to the CN Hub. Thank you.
Here is a fun craft activity to help keep your children or grandchildren busy and share an important message.
Invite your children or grandchildren to draw a picture of your family.
Then complete the contact info on the side. Please fold and place the drawing in an envelope and mail to to the Hon. Minister Wilkinson. The address is on the paper, and please remember NO POSTAGE is required to mail to the House of Commons.
Feel free to take photo and share it on social media. We do ask that you cover your contact information with a paper or your hand before taking the photograph and sharing on social media. Use #SayNo2CNhub #Jonathan Wilkinson #ministerofenvironment #MiltonRAIL #Milton Says No
We included two file formats for download, please print on your home printer, as it is a letter size paper (8.5" x 11") Download in a PDF or Word file format.
Milton R.A.I.L. requests your participation in an important yet simple action item.
* * URGENT Action Item for Jan. 24, 2021 * *
Sample Letters Are Below
Subject: Hon. Minister Wilkinson, Please reverse your decision on the CN Hub
ON January 21, 2021 the Hon. Minister Wilkinson has announced approval of the CN Hub with conditions that must be met. There is a 30 period were the decision can be reversed through an appeal process. We urgently request ALL residents to share their concerns with the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and his colleagues and our elected officials through the Province, our Region and Town.
We are real people who will suffer the impacts and we feel Federal Cabinet needs to connect with the community.
On January 21st the Governor in Council has extended the time limit for the issuance of the Decision Statement for the Milton Logistic Hub Project by thirty (30) days. [January 21, 2021]. The Notice of Extension is available on the online Canadian Impact Assessment Registry.
Your engagement in this action item is critical at this time, PLEASE PARTICIPATE!
We encourage residents to write a letter in their own words. If English is not your first language then please feel free to write in your first language; we want this to be and easy process for the community.
We will add a sample letter, which you are invite to copy as is or your may edit and expand on as well as points of concern below.
This is your family that will be impacted, and we know you want to not only protect them but provide for them a safe and healthy environment and a future we can all look forward too.
Please share this with your friends, family and co-workers. If you know someone who is unable to send an email, perhaps you can reach out and offer to help and send one with their permission.
1. Email Address List
Highlight and copy & paste the email addresses below into your distribution list.
*Updated email list as of January 25, 2021
The list included the following; Prime Minister, Minster of Environment, Minister of Transportation and all Ministers of Cabinet, all local MP's, all local MPP's, the IAAC, Town of Milton, Halton Region, Transportation Committee of the House of Commons, Milton Rail, and Milton Says No;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
*** We had a request to provide the email list in a list format without the semicolons as they had issue sending them out. We are not sure why this happened, but are providing the list in a list format as an option. Please see below. **This is the same list as above--without the semicolon.
2. Complete e-mail subject line: Please feel free to write your own or use one from the samples below.
Subject: REVERSE Approval of the CN Hub! Protect our lives and our future!
3. There are three letter samples below. Copy and paste a letter into your email body. You are invited to write your own letter to personalize your message.
* Once you have copied the message below to your email, please be sure to add the date, your name, address, town, postal code as well as your name at the closing of the message. The text areas that require personalizing are in [square brackets]*
Letter Sample Option 1
Subject: Hon. Minister Wilkinson, Please reverse your decision on the CN Hub
To Hon. Minister Jonathan Wilkinson,
We urgently, and respectfully request you, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Cabinet to reverse the decision of approval on the CN Logistic Hub.
As a community, we have stood up to stop the CN proposal for 20 years to stop the proposed truck-rail hub, as residents will forever be exposed to significant adverse effects on human health. That is not the future we want for Halton. The Federal Government must put the health and safety of Halton residents first. Milton and Halton's citizens must not become a tragic health statistic due to the environmental impacts of this industrial development. We ask you to protect our health and protect our future. IN your own words you stated, "help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren." Exactly what we want for ourselves, our families and our community.
We want to leave a better place for our children, grandchildren and future generations. The location specified by CN is inappropriate. Proceeding with the project is the wrong thing to do, as future generations will forever suffer immediate and long-term cumulative impacts.
We ask you, "What future do you picture for your families and that of future families?" The fate of Milton and Halton residents lays in your hands alone. When you decide, know we are not a statistic; we are real people looking for your help and protection for our health and future.
For the first time in Canadian history, a Federal Review Panel determined that a project could have, "significant adverse effects on human health." Now, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and his Cabinet will determine our fate. We will remember, and future generations will remember the decision made for Milton and Halton Region. Your decision will become your legacy. Rejecting approval of the CN Logistic Hub will help create a safe and healthy environment.
We strongly urge you as the Minister of Environment and Climate Change reverse your decision on the CN Hub's approval and put the health of Canadians first.
I want to pass on to my family a healthier, fairer and more resilient future, just as you do for your family. We are real people who will suffer severe health impacts from this hub if built. Protect our lives and our future! Reverse approval of the CN Hub and put the health of Halton Residents and Canadian citizens first.
[Please add your name and address]
Letter Sample Option 2:
Subject: Hon. Minister Wilkinson, Please reverse your decision on the CN Hub
To Hon. Minister Jonathan Wilkinson,
I am incredibly disappointed and shocked to hear that on January 21, 2021, the Federal Government ignored the significant harm to the health and safety of Halton residents by approving CN's proposed truck-rail hub in Milton.
Our Canadian Government makes history as this is the first time a Federal Review Panel has determined that a project will have significant adverse effects on human health. It is an unenviable distinction for this Federal Government that it is the first Cabinet that has ever approved a project that would harm human health in ways that cannot be mitigated.
You will leave a devastating legacy for future generations. It's unimaginable.
Since CN proposed this project, the messaging regarding the concerns for the community have been clear. The Region, Town, and community have been sharing concerns form twenty years, and our concerns are not unfounded.
The project's location is within one kilometre of approximately 34,000 current and future residents, one hospital, twelve schools, and two long-term care homes.
The facility will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week—resulting in at least 1,600 new trips to and from the facility each day by heavy-duty container trucks.
The significant health effects that will be caused by this project are unavoidable.
The release of particulate matter (PM2.5) is unsafe at any level of exposure and will significantly increase adverse effects on human health in the community.
The Federal Review Panel also concluded that more than 200 mitigation conditions were required to avoid other significant adverse effects from this project. Shockingly, only a handful of them enforceable by the Federal Government.
There are also many unanswered questions about CN plans with the remaining 800 acres after building its new 400-acre facility.
We must not be the sacrifice for CN's project.
Minister Wilkinson, you are quoted on Twitter saying, "Help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren." Prime Minister Trudeau stated, "Canadians don't have to choose between clean air and good jobs. This strengthened climate plan will help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren." We, as Canadian citizens and residents of Halton, want to believe those statements to be truthful. However, approving the CN logistic hub makes us see those statements are only relevant in chosen situations and do not include us. We ask, where is the fairness in that? We consider all Canadians' health and lives matter, and we believe you do too! Please make that a truthful statement for all Canadians inclusively.
As Halton residents, we feel unheard and undervalued. We have great concern for ourselves and more importantly for our children and the generations to come. We see that they, more than us, will suffer the cumulative impacts of this development. The responsibility is yours, Hon. Minister Wilkinson and ours, to prevent that impact and protect lives, all lives.
It's essential to know communities are becoming informed and knowledgeable of the prevailing concerns and issues. We have significant concern over this development; please know we are watching. We are watching CN, and we are watching elected officials. We ask all politicians and elected representatives to hold the best interest in our lives and future generations. We must be heard loud and clear.
We hold our Government accountable for the decisions made, and we expect the decisions to be made in the best interest of our health and future—each of us inclusively! We are currently living in a time of a World Wide pandemic, where the health issue of Covid-19, has put many peoples lives on hold. How can we show that a health issue is critical, yet the CN yard's lifetime impact is not given more significant consideration towards a community?
We believe your words to be truthful, and we now ask you, to help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren. Please for the sake of our children and grandchildren reverse your decision on the CN hub.
Your family and my family all deserve better.
[Please add your name, and full address with postal code]
Letter Sample Option 3
Subject: Hon. Minister Wilkinson, Please reverse your decision on the CN Hub
To Hon. Minister Jonathan Wilkinson,
We are writing to you to inform you that we are vehemently opposed to your recommendation to approve the location in Milton for the proposed CN Intermodal terminal. We have been fighting the dangers of this location for two decades.
We call Milton home. We infuse ourselves with its air, water and food. Placing this intermodal with its 800 trucks (1,600 in and out) stampeding through our lives on a daily basis is offensive. And championing it as an environmental warrior is a farce.
One of the main reasons we championed our MP, the Honourable Adam van Koeverden, is because he promised that he would “do what the government before him did not do,” that he would take our collective voice to Ottawa. He promised that he would represent our interests and our families' interests in Ottawa on this file in particular. This file was at the centre of his election campaign and platform. He promised that this project would be fought against and it would be stopped—by your government.
What did end up happening is that the Liberal government approved this project against our will, despite the findings of significant adverse environmental effects on human health. In an unprecedented move, you have established a legacy whereby you are the first minister to determine that the ill-effects to the health of Canadians are justified. And in the midst of a pandemic, no less. We feel deeply hurt and betrayed.
We demand no less than an absolute stoppage to this project. We reject your assertions that the 325 conditions you have outlined in order for this project to go forward are adequate and robust—they are not. We want our homes back and our families intact- safe, healthy and secure. We demand the right to agency over the future of our municipality and region—indeed our home.
You have made a grave error placing the proponent’s interests and those of your government over the health and safety of ordinary Canadians. We respectfully ask you to rescind your recommendation for approval of this project.
[Please add your name, and full address with postal code]
4. IMPORTANT! Please close your message with your name, address and postal code.
You are welcome to share this web page with your friends and family in Halton and invite them to do the same.
We are more than just numbers, let's put faces on the issue.
Link to Milton Oxygen interview with RAIL.
Updated Action Item (Original post from Dec. 23, 2020) - December 29, 2020
Milton R.A.I.L. requests your participation in an important yet simple action item.
A sample is below.
Milton R.A.I.L. requests your participation in an important yet simple action item with focus on putting faces to the issue.
Cabinet has all the statistical information in the documentation, but we are more than a statistic. We are real people who will suffer the impacts and we feel Federal Cabinet needs to connect with the community. Our aim in this initiative is to help create that connection. We also feel the 30-day delay is to gauge public response. So, let's respond!
On December 21st the Governor in Council has extended the time limit for the issuance of the Decision Statement for the Milton Logistic Hub Project by thirty (30) days. [January 21, 2021]. The Notice of Extension is available on the online Canadian Impact Assessment Registry.
February 2021, will mark Milton R.A.I.L.’s 20th anniversary in this effort to stop the proposed CN intermodal. Please know our action in this fight is not over. Milton R.A.I.L. understands Cabinet has NOT made a decision. We also acknowledge there are many rumours, and speculations circulating within the community.
Your engagement in this action item is crucial at this time, PLEASE PARTICIPATE!
See Email Letter Sample Below: Please visit our website to copy email addresses and the letter. You are welcome to add to this letter or write your own.
1. Highlight and copy & paste the email addresses below into your distribution list.
*Updated email list as of January 15, 2021;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2. Complete e-mail subject line:
REJECT Approval of the CN Hub! Protect our lives and our future!
3. Copy and paste the text below into your email body. You are welcome to personalize the message as well.
* Once you have copied the message below to your email, please be sure to add the date, your name, address, town, postal code as well as your name at the closing of the message. The text areas that require personalizing are in [square brackets]*
To Minister Jonathan Wilkinson and all Cabinet Members,
We urgently, and respectfully request the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Cabinet to reject the proposal of the CN Logistic Hub.
In Minister Wilkinson’s own words please, “help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren.”
As a community, we have stood up to stop the CN proposal for almost 20 years. If the Federal Cabinet decides to approve this proposed truck-rail hub, residents will forever be exposed to significant adverse effects on human health. That is not the future we want for Halton. The Federal Government must put the health and safety of Halton residents first. Milton and Halton's citizens must not become a tragic health statistic due to the environmental impacts of this industrial development. We ask you to protect our health and protect our future.
Those who genuinely want to leave a better place for our children, grandchildren and future generations must acknowledge the location specified by CN as inappropriate. Proceeding with the project is the wrong thing to do, as future generations will forever suffer immediate and long-term cumulative impacts.
We ask you, “What future do you picture for your families and that of future families?” The fate of Milton and Halton residents lays in your hands alone. When you decide, know we are not a statistic; we are real people looking for your help and protection for our health and future.
For the first time in Canadian history, a Federal Review Panel determined that a project could have significant adverse effects on human health. Now, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and his Cabinet will determine our fate. We will remember, and future generations will remember the decision made for Milton and Halton Region. Your decision will become your legacy. Rejecting approval of the CN Logistic Hub will help create a safe and healthy environment.
We strongly urge the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and his Cabinet colleagues to reject this proposal, and put the health of Canadians first.
This is my family, and I want to pass on to them a healthier, fairer and more resilient future, just as you do for your family. We are real people who will suffer severe health impacts from this hub if built. Protect our lives and our future! Reject approval of the CN Hub and put the health of citizens first.
4. Add a photo of your children or your family into the email.
It would be optimal to add a photo of your family or family members to put faces on the issue or you may share a personal message stating how you love Milton or Halton Region and why you chose it as your home
5. Close your message with your name, address and postal code.
You are welcome to share this web page with your friends and family in Halton and invite them to do the same.
We are more than just numbers, let's put faces on the issue.
ACTION ITEM beginning November 21, 2020:
E-mail Addresses for the Members of Cabinet:
We are asking Cabinet to refuse approval of the CN logistic hub planned for Milton, Ontario. *Updated email list as of January 15, 2021
Copy the complete email list below and paste it into your email distribution list.
E-mail Subject Line:
Subject: Resident letter regarding C.N. Logistic Hub planned for Milton, Ontario
Sample Letter to All Cabinet Members:
We have had requests for a form or sample letter. You may choose to use the letter sample below and are welcome to personalize it or write you own. We have two sample letters one for residents in Milton or Halton Region and Sample B for those outside of Halton, the GTA or even out of Ontario.
Letter Sample A - For Residents of Milton or Halton Region (incl. Burlington, Halton Hills, Oakville):
** Once you have copied the letter below to your email, please be sure to add the date, your name, address, town, postal code as well as your name at the closing of letter. The text areas that require personalizing are in [square brackets]**
[Your Name]
[Town, Postal Code]
Subject: Resident letter regarding C.N. Logistic Hub planned for Milton, Ontario
To the attention of The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P., P.Q., Prime Minister of Canada, and The Honourable Members of Cabinet P.C., M.P:
Dear Prime Minister and Hon. Ministers,
I am writing to you today regarding the issue of the proposed C.N. Logistics Hub. We understand Cabinet is currently deciding on this file to determine if it is approved or refused.
As a resident of Milton and Halton Region, I am strongly opposed to the location of the intermodal hub as proposed by the Canadian National Railway. Please know we are not opposed to intermodal when placed in an appropriate area; however, in the case of Milton, the proposed location is unsuitable! We ask Cabinet to refuse approval of the C.N. Logistic Hub.
C.N.'s chosen location is not suitable; an intermodal terminal is a Class III industrial amenity and should be located in an industrial-zoned area with immediate access to a major highway and NOT near residential development. The intermodal will bring 1600+ truck trips per day within our community. The activity will have an impact on our health, the environment, air, water; it will increase road damage and safety risks to all travelling through the area. An intermodal terminal does not belong near homes, schools, parks, seniors' homes and care facilities as these are places where families live, work, learn and play.
Global National’s The New Reality aired a report about the proposed C.N. Logistic Hub location in Milton, Ontario. It is an important story, and we ask you to watch it if you have not already. ( )
The decision you make with this hub will not only impact our community but all communities as it sets a precedent for future projects across Canada. There is no doubt that the health and safety of families and residents of all ages must come first.
For the sake of our Town and the health of our community; We ask you to refuse approval of the C.N. Logistic Hub.
[Your Name]
Letter Sample B - Residents Outside of Milton/Halton and even outside of Ontario may also send a letter.
People who do not live in Milton, Halton Region and even Ontario have reached out, asking how they can get involved and help. You are also invited to send a letter.
** Once you have copied the letter below to your email, please be sure to add the date, your name, address, town, postal code as well as your name at the closing of letter. The text areas that require personalizing are in [square brackets]**
[Your Name]
[Town, Postal Code]
Subject: Resident letter regarding C.N. Logistic Hub planned for Milton, Ontario
Attention of The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P., P.Q., Prime Minister of Canada, and The Honourable Members of Cabinet P.C., M.P:
Dear Prime Minister, and Hon. Ministers,
I am writing to you today regarding the issue of the proposed C.N. Logistics Hub. We understand Cabinet is currently deciding on this file to determine if it is approved or refused.
I live outside the project area, however I do recognize this project sets a precedent for future intermodal rail development. I am strongly opposed to the location of the intermodal hub as proposed by the Canadian National Railway. Please know we are not opposed to intermodal when placed in an appropriate area; however, in the case of Milton, the proposed location is unsuitable! We ask Cabinet to refuse approval of the C.N. Logistic Hub.
C.N.'s chosen location is not suitable; an intermodal terminal is a Class III industrial amenity and should be located in an industrial-zoned area with immediate access to a major highway and NOT near residential development. The intermodal will bring 1600+ truck trips per day within our community. The activity will have an impact on our health, the environment, air, water; it will increase road damage and safety risks to all travelling through the area. An intermodal terminal does not belong near homes, schools, parks, seniors' homes and care facilities as these are places where families live, work, learn and play.
Global National’s The New Reality aired a report about the proposed C.N. Logistic Hub location in Milton, Ontario. It is an important story, and we ask you to watch it if you have not already. ( )
The decision you make with this hub will not only impact our community but all communities as it sets a precedent for future projects across Canada. There is no doubt that the health and safety of families and residents of all ages must come first.
For the sake of our Town and the health of our community; We ask you to refuse approval of the C.N. Logistic Hub.
[Your Name]
Share on Social Media:
Copy and paste the text below and paste into your social media to share.
Please watch Global National’s The New Reality:
‘Railroading’ a town: The people of Milton versus CN Rail
By Brennan Leffler and Jeff Semple | Global News
We invite you to submit and e-mail letter asking the Cabinet Ministers to refuse approval of the CN Logistic Hub planned for Milton. The e-mail list and sample letter are on the Milton R.A.I.L. (Residents Affected by Intermodal Lines) website.
Everyone may participate and we invite you to share this with your family, neighbours and friends throughout Milton, Halton Region, Ontario and across Canada.